Editing with confidence starts with seeing the difference - Review our edited samples to experience the quality and expertise before entrusting your work to an English editing company.
Our substantive editing includes:
Grammar and spelling
Improving sentence structure and clarity
Fact-checking and ensuring accuracy
Style and tone
Clarity and readability
Consistency and accuracy
Word count reduction
Two-time editing
Plagiarism report
Peer review by one expert and comments, as well as tips to improve the manuscript.
At the completion of the editing process, you will receive the following:
The original document, the substantively edited version, and the final version in a MS Word file format.
A complimentary cover letter to accompany your document.
A plagiarism report to ensure the originality of your work.
Detailed comments and tips to enhance the overall quality and readability of your document.
There are two additional opportunities to edit the same document in the future, if necessary.
What we offer in Copy editing
Correcting errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation
Checking for consistency in style, tone, and formatting
Checking for proper use of vocabulary and terminology
Removing repetition and redundant phrases
Suggesting rephrasing or alternative wording
Ensuring the text flows smoothly and logically
Final check before publishing.
At the completion of the editing process, you will receive the following:
The original document, the copy edited version, and the final version in a MS Word file format.
A complimentary cover letter to accompany your document.
What we offer in proofreading
Checking for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors
Checking for typos
Ensuring accuracy
Checking for clarity
Checking formatting and consistency
Final check before publishing
At the completion of proofreading, you will receive the following:
The original document, the proofread version, and the final version in a MS Word file format.
A complimentary cover letter to accompany your document.